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A Comprehensive Guide to Kubernetes Optimization

Jacob Simkovich

Brand and Content Manager, Intel Granulate

Kubernetes has been consistently growing in popularity since its inception. However, with that growth has come unexpected challenges regarding inefficiencies and unwieldy costs.

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In this guide, you will find everything you need to know about optimizing Kubernetes, from the latest trends and best practices, to granular techniques for getting the most out of your containerized environment.

The Kubernetes optimization guide includes the following, and more.

The State of Kubernetes

Discover the trends that are influencing Kubernetes and how the technology is becoming pricier than expected.

Getting to Know Kubernetes Architecture

Read this clear and straightforward breakdown of Kubernetes architecture, from Pod to Deployment and everything in between.

The Four Main Challenges of Kubernetes Optimization

Explore the challenges that can make it difficult to optimize costs when managing containerized applications at scale.

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Optimizing Kubernetes Environments

Dive deep into the optimization strategies for four popular Kubernetes environments: EKS, AKS, GKE, and OpenShift.

Kubernetes Workloads with Capacity Optimization

Find out how continuous, autonomous capacity optimization fits into your Kubernetes orchestration strategy.

Optimize application performance.

Save on cloud costs.

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