MoEngage Case study

How MoEngage Achieved 40% Cost Reductions on AWS with Intel Granulate

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The Challenge

Since its launch, MoEngage has maintained a consistent service level agreement of 99.99 percent. The startup’s daily traffic is often unpredictable, going from 3 million requests per minute to more than double at times. With AWS, they are able to launch as many machines as needed at any given time to serve their traffic.

It had to be a managed service – MoEngage’s developer team was fully dedicated to supporting their growing infrastructure and business needs, therefore adding management demands would be impossible. It had to guarantee capacity – MoEngages’s workloads couldn’t go offline, meaning that guaranteed uptime was a necessity. It had to ensure performance – MoEngage demanded that the cost optimization provided will not create performance degradation.

Granulate provided us with improved performance and reduced costs without any effort. We’re looking forward to continuing our partnership and expand Granulate deployment across all our workloads.
Balaji Rajan, Director of Engineering

The Results

Intel Granulate was able to meet all of the platform’s needs, offering a fully managed performance and cost optimization solution for MoEngage’s EC2 based Autoscaling Groups. 
Intel Granulate’s real-time continuous optimization capability led to improved performance and reduced CPU utilization and latency. These impacts were applied to reduce costs and more efficiently meet SLAs. Apart from the budgeting benefits, MoEngage chose Intel Granulate’s solution due to the 
Plug-and-Play integration with AWS services.

Intel Granulate was deployed on the first EC2 ASG by incorporating the installation command line to the ASG init scripts. In less than 5 minutes, the optimization solution was up and running and began learning the application dataflow and resource usage patterns to identify bottlenecks and contentions on runtime level. After several days of automated learning, Intel Granulate was activated on the InboxGroup Autoscaling Group running on EC2. Within seconds, MoEngage measured performance improvements in their own monitoring solution, showing 62% reduced latency and 34% reduced CPU utilization.

*Intel does not control or audit third-party data. You should consult other sources to evaluate accuracy

Reduced Costs
Reduced Latency
Reduced CPU Utilization

MoEngage is an intelligent customer engagement platform for the customer-obsessed marketer. With MoEngage you can analyze customer behavior and engage them with personalized communication across the web, mobile, and email.

MoEngage is a full-stack solution consisting of powerful customer analytics, AI-powered customer journey orchestration, and personalization - in one dashboard.