Intel Granulate blogs: Kubernetes

Elastic Application Performance Monitoring: Basics & Quick Tutorial
Elastic Application Performance Monitoring: The Basics and a Quick Tutorial
Elastic Application Performance Monitoring is a solution that helps developers and IT operations teams monitor and optimize the performance of...
Understanding AWS EKS: Features, Deployment, Pricing & Pro Tips
Understanding AWS EKS: Features, Deployment, Pricing, and Pro Tips
AWS EKS is a managed container service that allows users to run Kubernetes on AWS without the need to install their own Kubernetes control plane...
EKS Cluster: The Basics and Creating Your First Cluster
EKS Cluster: The Basics and Creating Your First Cluster
AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a managed container service to run and scale Kubernetes applications on the AWS cloud or on-premises.
A Process for Kubernetes Performance Testing and 5 Tips for Success
A Process for Kubernetes Performance Testing and 5 Tips for Success
Kubernetes performance testing assesses the performance of applications running within a Kubernetes environment.
Kubernetes vs. YARN for Resource Management: How to Choose
Kubernetes vs. YARN for Resource Management: How to Choose
Explore what Kubernetes and YARN do, how they differ and how to choose the best solution to get the most out of your containerized environment.
Microservices Testing: Strategies, Tools & Best Practices
Microservices Testing: Strategies, Tools, and Best Practices
Microservices testing involves verifying individual microservices within an application for functionality, reliability, performance, and error...
KubeCon Session Recap: American Airlines Lifts Off with Kubernetes Optimization
KubeCon Session Recap: American Airlines Lifts Off with Kubernetes Optimization
KubeCon session recap: How American Airlines increased velocity by leveraging Kubernetes at scale with Intel Granulate app-level optimization.
Pod vs. Instance Resource Rightsizing for Efficient Kubernetes
Pod vs. Instance Resource Rightsizing for Efficient Kubernetes
Which is better, rightsizing on the pod or instance level? Find out which strategy is best for Kubernetes efficiency.
The CTO’s Secret Weapon in 2024: Optimizing for Growth
The CTO’s Secret Weapon in 2024: Optimizing for Growth
Discover the key to digital growth for CTOs in 2024. Uncover insights on cloud optimization and cost-efficient tech strategies to drive business...