Intel Granulate blogs: Kubernetes

Managing Kubernetes Resources in Your Cluster (CPU, Memory and More)
Managing Kubernetes Resources in Your Cluster (CPU, Memory and More)
In Kubernetes, you can specify the amount of CPU and memory that a pod is allowed to use—known as resources—using resource limits and...
Kubernetes Architecture: a Beginner’s Guide
Kubernetes Architecture and Components Explained
Kubernetes is a popular open-source platform for managing containerized applications.Kubernetes architecture consists of components that help...
Granulate Announces Red Hat OpenShift Certification
Granulate Announces Red Hat OpenShift Certification
Granulate's workload optimization solutions are now available to Red Hat OpenShift customers.
EKS Pricing in EC2 and Fargate - and How to Pay Less for EKS
EKS Pricing in EC2 and Fargate—and How to Pay Less for EKS
The basic price of EKS per is $0.10 per hour per Kubernetes cluster. In addition, you need to pay for other resources used by the cluster, such...
Kubernetes Autoscaling: Methods and Best Practices
Kubernetes Autoscaling: Methods and Best Practices
There are several autoscaling tools provided by Kubernetes—the most important are Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA), Vertical Pod Autoscaling...
ECS Pricing Is ECS Really Free
AWS ECS Pricing: 4 Pricing Models and Best Practices
Amazon doesn’t charge extra to launch or run containers with EC2. You pay for the resources used to run the applications, including Elastic...
The 4 Biggest Kubernetes Cost Challenges and Best Practices for Optimization
The 4 Biggest Kubernetes Cost Challenges and Best Practices for Optimization
Discover the optimal Kubernetes cost-performance balance and best practices for Kubernetes cost optimization.
Kubernetes Costs: Managed Kubernetes Pricing and 4 Ways to Cut Your Costs
Kubernetes Costs: Managed Kubernetes Pricing and 4 Ways to Cut Your Costs
Understand the cost of running Kubernetes on managed platforms, and how to use auto-scaling mechanisms, downsizing and right-sizing to reduce...
Optimizing Kubernetes’ HPA
Best Practices for Optimizing Kubernetes’ HPA
The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler is the most widely used and stable version available in Kubernetes for horizontally scaling workloads.